Krivak & Co

Pro Bono
Legal Services


We offer free legal advice to disadvantaged persons

We provide free legal services to disadvantaged persons and non-government organizations in specific cases.

We also work on the cases of persons and with persons who find themselves in a difficult situation in life or face problems that reflect systemic failure.

For example, through the civic association Proti prúdu (Against the Stream), we help homeless people. In the past, we participated in the project Advokáti Pro Bono (Pro Bono Lawyers) under the aegis of the Foundation Pontis, where we especially assisted deaf people and focused on promoting systemic legislative amendments.

We believe it is necessary to address topics that are neither of central political nor significant public concern and to make society more aware of disadvantaged persons and groups. Pro bono services enable us to behave in a socially responsible way and make a personal contribution to individuals and society.

We may all enjoy good health, education, a job, and a roof over our heads. However, we know this is not a daily reality for everybody.

We wish to share these privileges